• Home Connections

    Home Connections is a scattered site permanent supportive housing program that addresses the immediate need for housing stability for 138 individuals and families with disabilities who have experienced chronic homelessness by providing permanent, stable, rent-subsidized housing coupled with intensive, in-home supportive services.

  • Front Door

    Front Door Baltimore City is a rapid re-housing program that serves 110 families through intensive case management, housing support, workforce development services, client assistance to remove barriers to housing, and short-term rental assistance.

    Front Door Baltimore County is a rapid re-housing and shelter diversion program serving 70 households annually through intensive case management, housing support, client assistance to remove barriers to housing, and short-term rental assistance.

  • Beans & Bread

    Beans & Bread

    Beans & Bread is a comprehensive homeless day resource program serving more than 300 people per day that offers supportive services in the areas of housing, health, mental health, recovery, and employment, helping individuals experiencing homelessness obtain housing and reach their full potential.

  • Veteran Services

    The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program provides services to very low-income Veteran families. The program helps eligible homeless Veterans access safe, affordable housing while providing case management and supportive services. The SSVF program is one intervention available within a continuum of care supported by the Department of Veteran Affairs. This program uses short term, intensive case management to address a host of factors.

  • Interim Gardens

    Interim Gardens is a scattered-site permanent supportive housing program providing ten families experiencing homelessness with disabilities with permanent, stable, rent-subsidized housing coupled with intensive, in-home services.

  • Cottage Avenue Community

    Cottage Avenue Community contains sixteen, two- and three bedroom homes clustered in a neighborhood setting in the Park Heights Community of Baltimore City. Cottage Ave Community provides families that previously have experienced homelessness with affordable permanent housing and supports their efforts to live independently in the community.

  • Frederick Ozanam House

    Frederick Ozanam House contains four, four-bedroom units for larger families experiencing homelessness located at the Beans and Bread Center in the Upper Fells Point community of Baltimore City and provides families with affordable, permanent housing and supports their efforts to live independently in the community.

  • Homelessness Prevention

    Over $1.3 million per year in eviction prevention, utility, and other financial assistance provided through our network of 39 SVDP Conference volunteer groups.

Featured Story

Sharon’s Story

When Sharon Newman first came to us in 2009, she had endured years of substance abuse and was chronically homeless.
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Sharon's Story