My counselors at St. Vincent de Paul taught me how to budget my money, cook, clean and run a house.  They also helped me with my communication skills, and would talk to me about how I was feeling.  I am so grateful for the time they spent getting me the help I needed.

Sharon’s Story

Helping others become sober and stable

When Sharon Newman first came to us in 2009, she had endured years of substance abuse and was chronically homeless.  Our Home Connections staff provided Sharon with permanent, stable housing.  Bernadette Cox, SVDP case manager, has provided intensive, in-home supportive services to Sharon.  The stable housing gave Sharon a solid base with encouragement of her case workers.  Sharon has now joined a drug and alcohol treatment program as a peer and recovery specialist.

Today, Sharon is a Home Connections success story. Clean and sober, she is serving others at the program that helped her become sober and achieve housing stability.